The location was sensitive environmentally, with a strong desire to avoid major construction impact on the river valley floor. Certain parts of the floor were specifically marked "out of bounds" on the project plan. The client also aspired to a signature bridge which would give pedestrians new views of the valley, while making as minimal visual impact as possible.
Around twenty-five firms made entries to the competition's first stage (if I find any online, I'll put a post together, but haven't spotted any yet). Five were shortlisted to the second stage, with their identities kept secret until a winner was declared.
The shortlisted entrants were:
- Alan Baxter / Aedas
- Arup / Heneghan Peng Architects
- Buro Happold / Explorations Architecture
- Flint and Neill / Foster and Partners
- Scott Wilson Scotland Ltd. / B+M Architecture

It's easy to see why this entry won, especially when you read the jury report [PDF].
None of the other shortlisted entries have yet been made public (if any of my readers were involved, feel free to email details to happypontist at gmail dot com!) However, the jury report implies that the other four entries all had supports within the Liffey Valley itself, whereas the Happold design spans right across (I seem to recall it's about 300m or so). You might think the other four took a reasonable approach, given that the competition brief explicitly permitted supports in the valley, and given that this was an obvious way to keep the spans within sensible economic boundaries and hence within the stated project budget.
However, it's no surprise that a design which avoids piers entirely would be looked on favourably.
In contrast, bridges with valley supports can be built by the balanced cantilever method, limiting impact to only the base of the piers themselves. So as the winning bridge design progresses it will be interesting to see exactly how it gets built.
One entry appears to have been disadvantaged by being too tall and dominant (Flint and Neill). Without seeing the design it's hard to comment but the entry I was involved with in this competition ruled out any structure that projected significantly above the valley crest, so I sympathise with the jurors here.
Another was seen as too complex geometrically (Arup) which might lead to cost concerns, or aesthetic problems if it had to be simplified later.

Suspension bridges require substantial ground anchorages to restrain the main cables - the cost of which can be enormous if the ground is unsuitable. In its infancy, this type of bridge was shunned for use on railways following notorious failures and problems making them sufficiently stiff under high locomotive loads. This is not a problem that has gone away today, particularly for light rail bridges where the design is often governed by stiffness rather than strength.

With that in mind, it may be worth noting that nobody on the jury (largely made up of RPA staff) appears to have been a specialist landmark bridge engineer, let alone a specialist in cable-supported bridges. The only outside engineering advisor was John Powers of Engineers Ireland, an electrical engineer. A failure to draw on that kind of specialist advice has been a glaring error in several previous bridge design competitions.
Update 26 Feb: I gather the RIAI intends to publish all the shortlisted entries, and possibly some of the stage one entries as well, on their website. I'll post again when they become available.
Further update 26 Feb: I've replaced the images with higher-resolution versions and added one or two more. All images provided by the RIAI, with credit to Buro Happold / Explorations Architecture.
The winning design is an elegant and attractive structure - the three quarters view is particularly seductive - although I share your misgivings about the suitability of the structural form for the rail loading (running at up to 100kph, I recall) and the buildability of the design. I am also curious about the pedestrian deck which appears to follow the catenary cable as it dips below the deck, and would be much steeper than normally permitted?
Pretty much any footway supported by a catenary cable is likely to exceed the 1:20 gradient which is normally preferred - it's one of the classic difficulties of the otherwise elegant stressed-ribbon design. But for this unusual suspension bridge, it may be in fact be okay: the gradient of the catenary over its central section (below the bridge deck) may well be low enough to be acceptable, and the 1:20 figure isn't something everyone agrees on anyway (I don't). I think it's a neat solution to one of the competition's design challenges, actually.
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