Many thanks to a reader for drawing my attention to this footbridge design contest in Prague.
A previous competition was held for the same site in 1999, but flooding in 2002 led to the winning design being taken no further. Significant changes to riverside flood defences required a higher clearance to the river.
The present competition was announced in April this year, with a winner declared on 4th December. Intriguingly, a 3rd prize and two runners-up were also declared, but no 2nd prize!
There were nearly 50 submissions, with entries including one or two "big names" in the field, but mostly locals. I've included details of the prize-winning entries here, and you can visit the project site to see all the other submissions.
There's a clear contrast with the last open footbridge design contest I covered here, the Nine Elms - Pimlico Footbridge. The Prague contest features a lot less of the "arty bollocks" that was seen in London, and I wonder how much of that is down to how the contest was organised, including the nature of the prize money, and how much is a cultural thing.
Ing. Marek Blank, Ing. arch. MgA. Petr Tej, with Ing. Jan Mourek, Janek Srnka, Ing. Jiří Hejzlar
The winning design is a 300m long white trough, made out of precast UHPFRC units prestressed together. The longest span is 84m, and the trough is 1.6m deep, which feels a little on the slender side, but feasible given the ability of UHPFRC to carry very high levels of prestress compared to conventional concrete. I guess that following the recent collapse of the Vltava River footbridge in Prague, authorities may now have second thoughts about a prestressed design.
I have mixed views on the visual merits of the design: I admire the minimalist aesthetic, but it feels too much like a channel intended as an aqueduct, rather than as a footbridge.
3rd Prize
Ing. arch. Lukáš Landa, Arch. Pavel Rak, with Ferrari Gartmann AG
This design chooses shorter spans, with a longest span of 55.5m. The structure is shown comprising twin steel box girders, each 0.9m deep, composite with a 0.15m thick concrete deck slab. Very slender support piers are shown, with rocker bearings at the top, so perhaps these are hinged top and bottom to allow thermal movement.
It's a simple, reasonably elegant design, but leaves me wondering why you would run a major design competition just to choose something that's so close to bog-standard.
Petr Hájek Architects
This entry is one of the most interesting in the contest. The bridge is a quite industrial looking truss structure, which on its own would seem quite inappropriate. The attention-getting feature is a series of pedal-operated gondolas slung below the bridge, intended to transport heavier goods, or to create platforms for anglers. It would have been remarkable if this had won, but it's nice to see some imagination being applied and appreciated.
Association of Architects - Jurák, Filsak
The other runner-up is also very different from the majority of submissions. It creates the most open and lightweight bridge deck possible, by suspending it from a pair of parallel girders overhead, which appear to be built from weathering steel. Let's face it, who wouldn't want to cross a river on what feels like gently swaying scaffolding hung from giant ribs of rusting metal? I certainly would, if only to admire the graffiti it would inevitable attract.
The remaining entries are well worth spending a few minutes (or hours) skimming through, just to see the impressive range of effort that has been brought to bear. The quality is generally good (although rarely excellent), perhaps indicating that central/eastern Europe still takes engineering seriously (unlike the west of Europe, where it is sometimes seen by architects as an afterthought).
22 December 2017
20 December 2017
BAMPOTs make headlines
It already seems so long ago since I announced the winner of the Bridge Awards for Mediocrity and Plain Old Terribleness, the BAMPOTs. The Millennium Bridge in Ourense, Spain, received the garland for the worst structure, winning by a comfortable margin (photo courtesy Victor Hermida Prada).
Now, local news site La Voz de Galicia has picked up on this momentous news, with a feature which opens:
I also liked this comment:
Some of the other comments claim a liking for the bridge, which I find interesting mainly because it illustrates an enduring gulf between professional and non-professional taste. The BAMPOTs were judged by people who have a significant level of expertise in the field, and who are no doubt aware that the public often espouse a different aesthetic to professionals.
I think this is a challenge which is too rarely "bridged": to promote wider understanding of the reasons why professionals see certain attributes as positive or negative, as well as to promote professional sympathy for public views, which are often emotionally rather than intellectually grounded.
Now, local news site La Voz de Galicia has picked up on this momentous news, with a feature which opens:
Some of the comments on the site are interesting, such as this one (translated via Google, so apologies if I haven't got it quite right):Does the Millennium Bridge of Ourense deserve a distinction for mediocrity? The jury of a UK-driven award has no mercy: "It's tormenting"
This judgement is curious coming from British experts. In the United Kingdom it is very common indeed to see ultramodern architectures cohabiting with ancient monuments.I will confess to being British, but I will note here that the BAMPOTs jury was international in its origin and experience.
I also liked this comment:
What does the world know? Everything that is done in Galicia is the best in the world, from the magnificent Gaias' mausoleum for honour and memory of the unsurpassed Fraga, passing through this bridge unmatched in beauty and functionality to the Lalín stew that we already know is also the best of the world.I couldn't quite tell if that one was being ironic or not.
Some of the other comments claim a liking for the bridge, which I find interesting mainly because it illustrates an enduring gulf between professional and non-professional taste. The BAMPOTs were judged by people who have a significant level of expertise in the field, and who are no doubt aware that the public often espouse a different aesthetic to professionals.
I think this is a challenge which is too rarely "bridged": to promote wider understanding of the reasons why professionals see certain attributes as positive or negative, as well as to promote professional sympathy for public views, which are often emotionally rather than intellectually grounded.
03 December 2017
Spanish Bridges: 3. M-40 Footbridge, Madrid
This is the last in my short series of bridges from Madrid.
The footbridge over the M-40 was built at the same time as its near neighbour, the R-3 footbridge, and shares a common designer, Carlos Fernández Casado S.L.
It is a suspension bridge, built using slender precast concrete deck panels and stiffened using negative stay cables. My previous post has all the details on how this works, so I won't repeat it here.
The M-40 footbridge is a single 90m span structure. Short concrete-filled steel masts sit directly on concrete foundations, and the main cables are anchored in concrete blocks.
Visually, I prefer it to its longer neighbour, but I'm not entirely sure why. It has the same "lollipop" masts, and the detailing where the negative stays intersect those masts is dreadful. Perhaps it's just the simplicity that comes with the single span that works better: it doesn't give the sense of showing off so much.
Further information:
- Google maps
- Structurae
- The Art of Spanish Bridge Design
- Video interview with designer, Leonardo Fernández Troyano
- Two Suspended Footbridges in Madrid Stiffened with Negative Stays (Troyano, Triola, Fernández, Calle, and Pérez, Footbridge 2008)
- Pasarelas sobre la R-3 y la M-40 entre los distritos de Vicálvaro y San Blas en Madrid ( Troyano, Fernández, and Calle, IV Congreso de la Asociación Científico-Tecnica del Hormigón Estructural - Congreso Internacional de Estructuras, 2008)
29 November 2017
Spanish Bridges: 2. R-3 Footbridge, Madrid
I saw two more footbridges in Madrid. Both form part of a footway and cycleway connecting the districts of Vicálvaro and San Blas, running through the Parque de la Maceta, and crossing two major highways.

For any suspension bridge of this span, a key design issue is how to reduce bending moments and associated vertical displacement in the bridge deck. The worst case for design (as with an arch bridge) is with only half of the main span loaded, which results in S-shaped moments and deflection in the bridge deck.

Fernández Troyano explains that it was done for reasons of construction economy. It allowed the bridge deck to be built out of repeated, identical, slender precast concrete panels. The more common positive-stayed alternative (Brooklyn et al) would have required custom deck panels to connect the diagonal stays onto.

This is only one of the bridge's many flaws.

The first is to split the cable, anchoring it at the mast, as in the Nesciobrug. This allows a slender mast, but requires multiple suspension cable anchorages and potentially the need to adjust the cables during construction.
The second option, used on the R-3 footbridge, is a cable saddle, where the cable passes over the mast. The cable saddle must be large in radius, as otherwise bending stresses in the cable become unacceptable. For a footbridge, the size of saddle required is problematic, inevitably exceeding what is appropriate for a slender mast, and solutions include a fanned support (as on the Wingtip Bridge), or altering the mast to suit the saddle width (as on the Peramola Bridge, which is also negatively stayed).
For the R-3 footbridge, the designers opted for a possibly unique approach of "lollipop" mast heads, which feel like perhaps the worst possible option, visually.

They also act as a punctuation mark, separating the differing structural forms of the suspension bridge deck from its approach spans. The main bridge is supported on its edges, with the cable forces taken into the ground on both edges of the bridge. The approach spans, however, have a central spine beam, supported on single inclined columns. The inverted-Vs provide a visual break between the two different typologies, successfully, I think.

These piers have a cut-line near the base, indicating the presence of support bearings, presumably to allow the V-pier to move under thermal effects. It seems to me yet another poor detail, as the form of the pier is clearly unsuited to the loads and movements it experiences.
Seen from afar, the R-3 footbridge is an impressive and appropriate structure, with an impressively slender deck. It's unfortunate that the more closely you examine the details, the more you can see the very real flaws in the design,
- Google maps
- Structurae
- The Art of Spanish Bridge Design
- Video interview with designer, Leonardo Fernández Troyano
- Two Suspended Footbridges in Madrid Stiffened with Negative Stays (Troyano, Triola, Fernández, Calle, and Pérez, Footbridge 2008)
- Pasarelas sobre la R-3 y la M-40 entre los distritos de Vicálvaro y San Blas en Madrid ( Troyano, Fernández, and Calle, IV Congreso de la Asociación Científico-Tecnica del Hormigón Estructural - Congreso Internacional de Estructuras, 2008)
Spanish bridges series,
suspension bridges
27 November 2017
Spanish Bridges: 1. Paloma Footbridge, Madrid
In October, I joined a trip to Madrid to see various interesting engineering structures. I've picked three of the footbridges to feature here.

The bridge spans are supported on giant "Y" shaped columns, the upper arms of which also form part of the main load-bearing truss. This truss is then subject to a series of lateral forces which are resisted through the roof and floor trusses.
The lateral forces arise from three types of structural behaviour.

Secondly, the loads are eccentric to the shear centre of the overall cross-section. For any channel-shaped section, the shear centre is outside the area enclosed by the section, on the outside of the vertical element. All loads therefore establish a further torsion acting towards the inside of the piers.

The bridge is structurally ambitious but each element also fulfils an architectural purpose, with sun-shade elements on the (south-facing) main truss and also on the roof truss. These are very welcome on such an exposed site in central Spain.

I also noted that some of the screening in the side of the structure has an enhanced density in one area, where the bridge overlooks some apartments, enhancing privacy. This has been cleverly done, so that very few bridge users will even notice it's there.

There is one feature of the bridge design that I certainly can't commend. The sun screens are a welcome feature, but with an unintended side effect, which can be seen in the first video below.
There's a pronounced light flicker which can be clearly seen as you traverse the bridge. It's caused by the orientation and spacing of the screen slats, as can be seen in this second video.
If the slats were oriented the other way, or were angled or spaced differently, the flicker would be reduced or eliminated (although obviously it will vary anyway according to the direction and elevation of the sun).

On the whole, however, the Paloma Footbridge is a bold, carefully considered design. Trussed footbridges are often the least-cost, most mundane solution to crossing a motorway, but nothing could be further from the truth in this case.
Further information:
- Google maps
- Structurae
- The Art of Spanish Bridge Design
- Video interview with designer, Peter Tanner
- Paloma Footbridge, Madrid, Spain (Tanner, Bellod and Sanz, Structural Engineering International, 2011)
- Footbridges: Small is Beautiful (ECCE, 2014)
Spanish bridges series
19 November 2017
"Bridgescapes" by L. Bruce Keith

The book opens with a reasonable introduction to the classic structural forms and materials of bridges, drawing on the many relevant Scottish examples and well illustrated with archive and newly taken photographs. This sets the tone for the remainder of the book, which is well-written, informative, sensibly prioritised, and filled with high quality images. On this count, it's great value for money, and even the anoraks should discover plenty that they didn't know, or had forgotten.

I very much enjoyed Bridgescapes. It's indispensable for anyone with a serious interest in Scotland's bridges, and should be enjoyed by others with a more casual appreciation.
For details of how to purchase the book, contact the author at
Update 20th November: Readers of The Happy Pontist can purchase Bridgescapes for a discounted price of £18 (UK) and £25 (overseas), which I think is tremendously good value!
07 November 2017
Canadian Bridges: 8. Port Mann Bridge, Vancouver
This was the final bridge I visited on my September trip to Vancouver. The Port Mann Bridge was completed in 2012 as a 10-lane replacement for a steel arch highway bridge spanning the Fraser River. It is the centrepiece of a much longer highway improvement project.
With a 470m main span it is reportedly the second longest cable-stayed bridge span in North America (behind Mexico's Baluarte Bridge), but it doesn't even dent the top 50 worldwide. It was also briefly the world's widest long-span bridge (67m wide), before being overtaken by the San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge (79m wide) in 2013.
I can't confess to being a great admirer of the new cable-stayed bridge span.
The choice of single pylons sitting in between twin deck sections seems at first sight to be aesthetically wise (cf. Stonecutters Bridge, Millau Viaduct, Queensferry Crossing). However, due to the bridge's tremendous width, four planes of cable stays are required, leading to quite a dense, confused appearance.
This also directly leads to the over-sized upper pylon sections, which are as large as they are solely to have enough space to accommodate the huge number of cable anchorages. Nonetheless, it is reported that this arrangement is less expensive than the alternative A-frame, H-portal or multiple mast pylons, and cost was the primary driver for the whole project.
Cable-stayed bridges often suffer from an imbalance between tower profile above and below deck, as out-of-balance longitudinal thrusts in the deck are restrained at the towers. The Port Mann Bridge has avoided that particular peril, with well-proportioned lower tower sections. T-shaped crossheads support not only the deck, but also anchor stability cables for the upper towers.
The span arrangement appears odd, but is rational. The south pylon sits well on land, while the north is in the middle of the river. The cause for this is the spacing of various obstacles: a railway yard requiring a significant span at the south end; a requirement for the adjacent tower to be on dry land to prevent any risk of scour to the riverbank protecting the same railway yard; and the position of the main and secondary navigational channels in the river.
The bridge is well known for the troubles it developed shortly after opening, with ice forming on the main cables and falling as "ice bombs" onto terrified car drivers below. This has since been treated with a mixture of hydrophobic coatings and ice-removal collars which can be slipped up and down the cables. I'm only guessing, but perhaps the controversy explains why the main bridge designer TY Lin doesn't feature the bridge on their website project gallery.
My main interest in sharing this bridge, however, is not for the main span but for the northern approach viaduct. I believe this was designed by Californian firm IBT (now part of Systra), and it's a classic post-tensioned box girder viaduct, a form in which IBT have considerable expertise. IBT are certainly happy to have the project on their website.
The arrangement is highly economical and also very beautiful. Three prestressed box girders sit on simple rectangular concrete piers. The girders are trapezoidal in cross-section, with the bottom face lightly arched. The bottom face therefore varies in width, adding interest to what is otherwise very plain.
It doesn't seem in any way unusual, but I think the detailing is excellent, with only a few lighting column and sign supports appearing as an afterthought. The concrete construction is also of excellent quality, and it's a tribute to how attractive a simple and economical engineer-led solution can be when it's delivered with such splendid clarity.
Further information:
With a 470m main span it is reportedly the second longest cable-stayed bridge span in North America (behind Mexico's Baluarte Bridge), but it doesn't even dent the top 50 worldwide. It was also briefly the world's widest long-span bridge (67m wide), before being overtaken by the San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge (79m wide) in 2013.
I can't confess to being a great admirer of the new cable-stayed bridge span.

This also directly leads to the over-sized upper pylon sections, which are as large as they are solely to have enough space to accommodate the huge number of cable anchorages. Nonetheless, it is reported that this arrangement is less expensive than the alternative A-frame, H-portal or multiple mast pylons, and cost was the primary driver for the whole project.
Cable-stayed bridges often suffer from an imbalance between tower profile above and below deck, as out-of-balance longitudinal thrusts in the deck are restrained at the towers. The Port Mann Bridge has avoided that particular peril, with well-proportioned lower tower sections. T-shaped crossheads support not only the deck, but also anchor stability cables for the upper towers.

The bridge is well known for the troubles it developed shortly after opening, with ice forming on the main cables and falling as "ice bombs" onto terrified car drivers below. This has since been treated with a mixture of hydrophobic coatings and ice-removal collars which can be slipped up and down the cables. I'm only guessing, but perhaps the controversy explains why the main bridge designer TY Lin doesn't feature the bridge on their website project gallery.

Further information:
- Google maps
- Wikipedia
- Structurae
- Design Basis for the New Port Mann Bridge over the Fraser River (Goodyear, Structural Engineering International, 2017)
- System Failure Case Study – Ice Falling from Port Mann Bridge Cables (Eiche, SysEne Blog, 2016)
Canadian bridges series,
highway bridges
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