Look, up in the sky! Is it a bridge? Is it a walkway? Is it a skywalk? No, apparently it's the return of London's pedways.

They were perhaps most fully realised in the vicinity of the Barbican development, spanning across roads, and connecting the new Barbican cultural centre to the residential blocks which surrounded it.

However, with most foot journeys originating and ending at ground level, pedways were often as much of an inconvenience as a boon, and the idea soon died away. Despite their lack of success, pedways continue to exert a strong fascination for design and architecture critics and bloggers, and I've included various relevant links below providing more information.

The new walkways span one busy road (and others that are less busy), and at least do serve a useful function in connecting into the Barbican's pedways, which do still form a useful connection. However, the walk below the pedways at ground level also an attractive route with extensive public realm enhancements in the St Alphage Garden section.

The walkways are accessible from several staircases, and there's a new lift, although that wasn't in operation when I visited. The detailing on the main staircase is particularly nice.

I found the mast-and-stay system visually awkward - it gives something of the impression that these are independent structures, although they obviously depend on the buildings for support. There's something about the arrangement that is out of place with the rest of the scheme.

The various spans have spaces for seating, ensuring the walkways feel part of the public realm as a place to stop and breathe rather than just another way of traversing the city as rapidly as possible.
The whole scheme has been very well designed, and is a great addition to this one small corner of central London. I certainly can't see it inspiring yet more elevated pedways - the city streets are already too constrained and difficult an environment, but it's good to see it resurrected here.
Further information: