25 January 2010
Bridges news roundup
The significance for bridge engineers is the proposal to put a railway on a jointed floating bridge - has this been done anywhere else? Design of the rail joints will be challenging, I'd think!
Perryn Road footbridge over the A40, London by Grimshaw
There was an engineer too (Hyder), but let's not expect the Architects Journal to bother with trivia, even on a scheme were they report the key design challenge as being dealing with buried utilities.
Bednarski Origami bridge to move forward as part of Cardiff TV centre scheme
I had wondered what had happened to this bridge.
Softroom’s Bootle bridge hoisted into place
RIBA contest winning footbridge approaches completion.
19 January 2010
Open thread
So for this, my 200th blog post since starting, I thought I'd just open the comments for ... anything you want.
If you're reading this, I take it you're interested in bridges, so what's exercising your mind in the bridges world? Are there topics, designs, news I've been missing out on? Click the comments link to let me (and other readers) know!
15 January 2010
Bridges news roundup

What to do with San Francisco's redundant Bay Bridge?
Covered bridge pops up in unlikely place
Unusual garage conversion in New Brunswick, Canada
Could Poole's Twin sails Bridge still be at risk?
Landmark opening bridge's 10-year long gestation not over yet?
Bridging the gap between the ages
How much would it cost to build the 1864 Clifton suspension bridge from scratch today? Construction Manager magazine has more details.
Design for Champlain Bridge announced
It's nice to see a network arch (or "Modified Network Tied Arch Bridge", as Vermont and New York states are calling it) used in this way, although I don't know if I'd agree with their contention [PDF] that it's much cheaper to build or maintain than a cable-stay design.
Hang Christiaan Huygens! Here's a Better Suspension Bridge
Researchers into structural optimisation software discover that a parabola isn't the most efficient shape for a cable to suspend or an arch to support a uniform load. But it's unlikely to change a single bridge, because of the complexity of the "Hencky net" truss required, and because for compression elements, they ignore the effects of buckling.
11 January 2010
I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your bridge up

08 January 2010
River Wear Bridge goes for planning consent

Just before Christmas, the project made its planning consent submission, depositing a mammoth package of drawings and reports that must total at least 400 pages. You can find it yourself by visiting Sunderland's planning portal and searching for the application reference 09/04661/LAP.
The reports include a number of interesting engineering documents as well as the normal planning statements, and I've extracted some of the more interesting points here.
It's clear that lead designer Techniker has devoted considerable effort to proving the feasibility of a design that seems by far their most challenging project. They've contracted the prestressed concrete bridge expert Nigel Hewson to provide engineering support, and their design has been peer reviewed both by Roughan O'Donovan and Aecom.
For the first time, we're given a cost estimate for the bridge itself, separated out from the highway scheme's overall cost of £133m. At £46.1m, it's pretty much in line with the budget of £43m specified in the original RIBA bridge design competition (contrary to my previous speculation). The bridge is 336m long, with a maximum span of 144m, and the deck is 25m wide. The cost therefore works out at about £5.5k per square metre in plan, which I would say is pretty cheap for such an unusual design. I've previously noted that it's comparable with Calatrava's Alamillo design, which, although controversial in its own right, is a considerably more structurally efficient bridge.
The planning submission contains a Statement of Community Involvement, which reports on a survey of 161 people, of whom 93% rate the Techniker design as "fairly good" or "very good". That's nice, but it ignores Sunderland Council's previous and larger survey (see council report [PDF]), where out of 1,641 responses, 49% wanted a "tried and tested design", and 58% wanted to minimise the impact on taxpayers (which this design hardly does).
The masts (one 140m high and the other 190m, making it the tallest bridge tower in the UK) are a very interesting construction. At the very bottom, they're of prestressed concrete with a stainless steel skin, but for most of their height they comprise prestressed concrete composite with a 12mm thick painted structural steel skin. The very top section is pure structural steel. Essentially, the prestress cables could be thought of as the "missing" back stays, hidden within the pylon.

Given the size of the towers, the steel skin will provide very little structural benefit. Indeed, its interaction with the tower prestress and with the creep behaviour of the internal concrete make it a significant complication in the design.

The deck is a steel and concrete composite ladder-beam system (see image below right), with short outriggers picking up the cables. That's a reasonably economic choice, although it struggles near the pylons, where the hogging bending moment is highest. At these locations, the designer suggests the deck concrete may need to be post-tensioned, which strikes me as an unusual and interesting approach.
The deck is likely to be launched, with the pylons built at the same time and the cables stressed only after both are complete. That seems at first to be very odd choice for a cable-stay bridge, particularly given the expense involved: a number of temporary launching props will need to be installed in the river, and subsequently cut off or pulled out through holes in the deck. The normal approach for a cable-stay bridge is to cantilever the deck in segments from the pylon, as was done on Alamillo (where the pylon and deck were both cantilevered segmentally in phase). The ability to use the stay cables both as the temporary and permanent support for the deck is normally the great economic advantage of this type of bridge.
At River Wear, however, the lack of back stays means that the cantilevers would be unbalanced, and the loads imposed on the pylon and foundation during construction could substantially exceed those in the final condition (where the deck acts as a continuous beam, or propped cantilever). The design is therefore entirely driven by the architectural rather than the structural logic - a cable-stay bridge is a means to an end (the production of an icon), rather than the logical response to the engineering challenge.
Despite the bridge's utter lack of any basic structural rationale, I found myself strangely impressed reading though the documentation. If you accept the architectural vision as sacrosanct (Ove Arup style), it's clear that the designers have risen to the challenge posed by this deeply unconventional, flagrantly contrary structure. I understand that detailed design is now underway, and no doubt the technical challenges which remain are tremendous but perfectly capable of being resolved. Once complete, the bridge will be a major engineering achievement.
I think I can admire that, without in any way liking the bridge.
07 January 2010
Bridges news roundup

What will we name the new Forth bridge?
"Forth Replacement Crossing" is too dull; "Fourth Forth Bridge" likely to cause confusion because it's actually the Fifth Forth Bridge; so just what will they call it? Incidentally, according to the type of people who like to generate ridiculous newspaper headlines, the bridge is being designed by the same people who design Ferrari F1 cars.
Bridge petitioners declare victory
Reprieve expected for Victoria's Blue Bridge (see previous posts): campaigners against the Johnson Street Bridge replacement raise enough votes to put at least a temporary brake on their council's attempt to borrow CAN$42m towards the cost.
Bridges to prosperity
The always excellent Bridge Photo of the Day blog has several interesting posts on low-cost suspension bridges in Ecuador, which make a nice follow-on to my own posts on the same theme.
03 January 2010
The curious case of the copycat coils
Of course, its helical truss design was ambitious but by no means unique, and I've covered a couple of similar designs here before. But I had perhaps underestimated quite how many there were, so I'm taking this opportunity to put that right.
I'm not seriously suggesting that any of these designs are direct copies of any other bridge (with the obvious exception of the twin Happold bridges), but it is interesting to see just how this typology, has appeared, spread, and extended its ambition with ever greater spans.
I've put them in reverse chronological order. Click on any image for a larger version.
Peace Bridge, Calgary, Canada

Due to open late 2010. Designed by Santiago Calatrava (architect) / Stantec (structural engineer). Spans 130m. See my previous post Calatrava springs a surprise for more.
Double Helix Bridge, Singapore

Due to open 2010. Designed by Arup (structural engineer) / Cox Group (architect). Spans 65m. For more details, see Wikipedia, Bentley Generative Design article, and Singapore's URA.
Roche-sur-Yon Bridge, France

Opening February 2010. Designed by HDA Paris (architect & engineer) / Bernard Tschumi (architect). 70m long but I don't know the span. Lots of great pictures on flickr; also see Morphocode, Archdaily (especially the discussion), a photo of the previous bridge on this site, and HDA's Complexitys blog. This one deserves its own post, really, it's by far the best design of any shown here!
Harthill Footbridge, near Glasgow, UK

Opened October 2008. Designed by Buro Happold. Spans 70m. More details from when I visited it.
T. Evans Wyckoff Memorial Bridge, Seattle, USA

Opened October 2008. Designed by SRG Partnership (architect) / Magnusson Klemencic Associates (structural engineer). Spans 42m. More details at the Museum of Flight website, and at modernsteel.com [PDF].
Randstad Rail Station at Beatrixlaan, The Hague, Netherlands

Opened 2006. Designed by Zwarts and Jansma (architects). Spans 40m to 50m. More details at Archdaily.
Greenside Place Link Bridge, Edinburgh, UK
Opened 2003. Designed by Buro Happold (structural engineer) / Broadway Malyan (architect). Spans 46m. More details from my visit.