I've held off on so many occasions from commenting on this bridge. I've visited it several times in the past, but on my most recent visit, several points occurred to me which are perhaps worth addressing here.
I will say as little as possible about the bridge's history: that can all be found online elsewhere. I hope at some stage to cover the losing competition entries here, but that's a project for another day.
For now, I'll just give a quick cost comparison with the Golden Jubilee Footbridges. The Millennium Bridge is 333m long, and 4m wide. It cost £23m in 2000, including the refurbishment carried out after it notoriously wobbled. That works out at £18k per square metre, compared to £13k for the Golden Jubilee Footbridges. The Millennium Bridge is one of the most expensive footbridges of all time (beaten only by Gateshead's Millennium Bridge at £22k, with Kurilpa Bridge and Calatrava's Sundial Bridge at a mere £10k each, although Kurilpa's figure is flattered by the inclusion of its less structurally ambitious approach spans). For those spectacular sums of money, a promoter must get something of spectacular value in return.
The designers, Arup and Foster + Partners, described the bridge concept as "a thin ribbon of steel by day ... a blade of light at night". To achieve this, the extremely low span-to-rise ratio of 62 for the cables is roughly six times shallower than in a normal suspension bridge. As a result the cables (and more impressively, the foundations) carry a horizontal force of over 2000 tonnes, under dead load alone (if you picked the structure up on its end, one set of cables could carry three Millennium Bridges with ease).

The dampers which have been added to the bridge to prevent it from wobbling undoubtedly detract further from its appearance, but it would be unfair to criticise the designers for this, as they have clearly made the best of an awkward situation. There are diagonal bracing members next to the piers, diagonal bracing below the deck, little splayed damper "legs" on the riverbank, and more. The "legs", visible in the abutment photo above right, are probably the worst addition, visually. I do wonder whether it wouldn't have been better to go the whole hog and triangulate every bay of the bridge in order to give it a consistent look, but what has been done is presumably the least possible compatible with eliminating oscillation.

The decision to use the low-rise suspension bridge to achieve this was locked in place at competition stage, and had to be made to work thereafter. The relationship between cables and deck lead directly to the very high cable forces, the unfortunate lateral frequency of vibration, and the tangle of steelwork that now defines the bridge's aesthetic, in quite marked contrast to the original concept. Some of this is a flaw in the design competition route, which generally sets the final appearance of a bridge very early, unlike "conventional" design development where different structural options can receive a more thorough evaluation (often at the cost of daring, imagination, and star quality, of course).
Further information:
- Structurae
- Wikipedia
- Google maps
- Stabilising the London Millennium Bridge (paper in Ingenia)
- Linking London: The Millennium Bridge (paper in Royal Academy of Engineering, PDF)
- The London Millennium Footbridge (paper in The Structural Engineer, PDF)
- Blade of Light: The Story of the Millennium Bridge (by Deyan Sudjic)
- Bridge: The Architecture of Connection (by Lucy Blakstad)
- 30 Bridges (by Matthew Wells)
- Bridge Builders (by Martin Pearce & Richard Jobson)
- Bridges / Puentes (by Martha Torres Arcila)
1 comment:
Great Review. I always thought that Millennium Bridge is not as awesome as people make it to be.
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