Iron Bridge set for revamp
Removal of utilities to return bridge to 18th century condition
Forth Bridge on track to join pyramids and Taj Mahal
Old rail bridge may become World Heritage Site
Forth Bridge payment plan blocked
New road bridge struggles to agree funding
Rebels too late - Calgary bridge contract already signed
Councillors fail in attempt to open Calatrava bridge to competition (see previous posting for more)
Newport Transporter Bridge can't find enough cash
4% of needed funds granted - 96% still awaited (again see previous posting)
Jan Kaplicky dies aged 71
Kaplicky was known more for his buildings and general design work than his bridges, but his firm Future Systems' design for the floating bridge at West India Dock in London is undoubtedly one of the most noteable footbridge designs of recent decades, while other designs such as at Spencer Dock (pictured), Olympic Park and in Glasgow offered a very unconventional view of the possibilities for bridge design.
Removal of utilities to return bridge to 18th century condition
Forth Bridge on track to join pyramids and Taj Mahal
Old rail bridge may become World Heritage Site
Forth Bridge payment plan blocked
New road bridge struggles to agree funding
Rebels too late - Calgary bridge contract already signed
Councillors fail in attempt to open Calatrava bridge to competition (see previous posting for more)
Newport Transporter Bridge can't find enough cash
4% of needed funds granted - 96% still awaited (again see previous posting)

Kaplicky was known more for his buildings and general design work than his bridges, but his firm Future Systems' design for the floating bridge at West India Dock in London is undoubtedly one of the most noteable footbridge designs of recent decades, while other designs such as at Spencer Dock (pictured), Olympic Park and in Glasgow offered a very unconventional view of the possibilities for bridge design.
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