Maybe not the most beautiful, but certainly a modern classic.
Amazing animal bridges around the world
Some wildlife crossings, or "ecoducts".
New bridge for Brisbane?
The concept visuals may be implausible but the location for the bridge seems reasonable.

This timber stress ribbon bridge, designed by Schüßler-Plan, pictured right, looks like an absolute delight.
Royal ceremony for Adur Ferry Bridge
New Shoreham footbridge to be officially opened on 13th November. They have a video on YouTube which gives more information on the project.
Vroenhoven Bridge, Riemst, Belgium
This isn't Ney and Partners finest work, but it's still a very interesting bridge design.
Sant Pere Sacarrera Footbridge
And this isn't Alfa Polaris's finest work, but still better than so many other contemporary footbridges.
Council confident over 'iconic' land bridge for Hull's A63 Castle Street
Fate of bridge awaits decision on cost and practicality.
The 10 best bridges
Not a bad selection at all, here in the Guardian newspaper, and certainly more imaginative than the response by readers.
Airport parkway pedestrian bridge has design flaw: work suspended
Mysterious problem with new footbridge in City of Ottawa.

"This allows the software to compute a final, optimized grid structure that can bear and balance the load of the asymmetric path." Personally, I think there's a real opportunity to exploit algorithmic processes in bridge design, but this is just bollocks.
New cycle bridge design 'hopelessly inadequate' say campaigners
Whinging cyclists? Whatever next!
Millions spent on landmark bridge design that was too costly
River Wear Bridge design cost £3.6m before being junked.
I see from the Arch Daily website that the Vroenhoven Bridge obviously didn't require any engineering input!
ArchDaily are always rubbish at giving proper credit to designers other than architects. I am constantly tempted not to link to them, but will continue to do so as long as they feature bridges which are of interest! For the Vroenhoven Bridge, there were no separate engineers and architects, just a single designer, Ney and Partners.
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