12 March 2013

London Bridges: 29. Golden Jubilee Footbridges (revisited)

As with my last post, this post is just a collection of photos of one of London's most expensive pedestrian bridges, a few angles and details that caught my eye last time I visited it. For a more thorough discussion (and some photos which give a better idea of the bridge's overall layout), see my post from June 2010.


  1. Hello, I just wanted to tell you I am a big fan of your page. I found it only a few weeks ago and i wish i would have found it a long time ago. I am an Intern architect that wants to design and build bridges. I always try and find bridge competitions that are available for someone like me (only been out of school 1.5 years now). Do you know where I could find a list of these competitions because I have not seen any since the Amsterdam Pedestrian bridge (which unfortunately was unemployed and broke and could not enter). Now that I am finally getting paid I can not seem to find any.... Also I would never refuse to partner up with an engineer as they knowledge that i could nver even come close to comprehending. Anyways just wanted to let you know that you are doing great.

  2. I'm glad you like the website.

    There are a few websites which list architecture competitions, none specifically about bridges, you could try http://europaconcorsi.com/competitions
