22 November 2011

Bridges news roundup

Life is busy, busy, busy, so you will have to make do with a quick roundup of mostly out-of-date news for now ...

Money Secured for 3 Dallas 'Signature' Bridges
Pockets emptied for Calatrava designs.

Race starts for £118m Wear bridge before approval
Sunderland City Council goes to tender on unfunded iconic bridge.

Peace Bridge will be red, inside and out
As delayed Peace Bridge hits one-year milestone, questions surround cost overrun
Costcutting continues but Calgary bridge still not ready.

Invisible Pedestrian Bridge in Netherlands
Yes, it's a delight, but how will they maintain it?

Sneek Bridge / Achterbosch Architectuur with Onix
To hell in a handbasket.

Cidade Nova Metro Station and Footbridge
Mixed feelings about this bridge in Brazil, but nice paint colour.

Kurilpa Bridge wins transport award at World Architecture Festival
No comment.

1 comment:

  1. Peace Bridge looks very nice. Invisible Pedestrian Bridge is amazing!
    Sadly other bridges are nothing interesting. Too messy!
