12 October 2009

Johnson Street Bridge update

Further to my previous post on this interesting moving bridge replacement project, the City of Victoria has been reconsidering its options. Faced with the lack of any federal funding for the CAN$63m scheme, the city council have backed away from the replacement decision and called for further reports. New options will include not replacing the rail span, saving $15m, and taking into account a report on refurbishment presented by the highly articulate protest group johnsonstreetbridge.org.

1 comment:

  1. That's a real shame. Out of the many conceptual design visualisations you feature in this blog, the preferred option for this project was my favourite to date. For one it appears feasible and, like you mentioned, it's a very attractive interpretation of a practical truss form. (I particularly admired the suspended footways.)

    Here's to hoping it isn't as "context specific" as most Architects would have you believe. I certainly wouldn't grumble about a 'copy-paste' of the design onto a different site in the future!!
